Weekday Devotionals - LuAnn
Faith over facts
Visiting Pastor Raynard Brant
Luke 18:1-8
Verse 1. Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up……
We read about a woman that was seeking justice against an adversary. She is wearing a judge down who states he doesn’t fear man or God but grants her what she desires because this woman is bothering him.
Verse 7. Will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night. Will he keep putting them off? 8. I tell you; he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?
Pastor Brant tells us that faith is a belief, a confidence, an attitude, a firm commitment to have Jesus in your life. Living a life of faith is different than just talking, studying, or even preaching about it. True faith is an agreement with God and our souls. It is not an accessory that we wear on the outside. It is a feeling we carry in us. It becomes the heartbeat of who we are.
Faith has nothing to do with our feelings. Don’t let your emotions affect your faith. As Pastor Brant’s Grandmother says- “The devil is a liar. So, don’t let the devil run through your emotions and ruin what God has taught you about prayer and the rewards of a beautiful prayer life.”
Faith must be consistent. Hold on to God and don’t let go when the evil one comes at you. You can always rely on God for answers.
Faith pleases God. Rise up in your faith to have God’s hands help you find the peace only he can give you in times of trouble. God has the final say in every situation and he rewards those who seek him.
Real faith is not just something we have on Sunday; it is something that needs to be lived all week long, day in and day out. Does your life line up with your Faith?
LuAnn Kleemeyer
Visiting Pastor Raynard Brant
Luke 18:1-8
Verse 1. Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up……
We read about a woman that was seeking justice against an adversary. She is wearing a judge down who states he doesn’t fear man or God but grants her what she desires because this woman is bothering him.
Verse 7. Will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night. Will he keep putting them off? 8. I tell you; he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?
Pastor Brant tells us that faith is a belief, a confidence, an attitude, a firm commitment to have Jesus in your life. Living a life of faith is different than just talking, studying, or even preaching about it. True faith is an agreement with God and our souls. It is not an accessory that we wear on the outside. It is a feeling we carry in us. It becomes the heartbeat of who we are.
Faith has nothing to do with our feelings. Don’t let your emotions affect your faith. As Pastor Brant’s Grandmother says- “The devil is a liar. So, don’t let the devil run through your emotions and ruin what God has taught you about prayer and the rewards of a beautiful prayer life.”
Faith must be consistent. Hold on to God and don’t let go when the evil one comes at you. You can always rely on God for answers.
Faith pleases God. Rise up in your faith to have God’s hands help you find the peace only he can give you in times of trouble. God has the final say in every situation and he rewards those who seek him.
Real faith is not just something we have on Sunday; it is something that needs to be lived all week long, day in and day out. Does your life line up with your Faith?
LuAnn Kleemeyer
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