Weekday Devotionals - Steve
Sabbath Sunday – The importance of Sabbath
VERSE: Genesis 2:1-3 (The Message)
“Heaven and Earth were finished, down to the last detail. By the seventh day
God had finished his work. On the seventh day he rested from all his work.
God blessed the seventh day.”
Pastor Pete used the above verses in his message on 07/07. Even as I write this, I
am pondering what it means to take a Sabbath day and its importance. I do
recognize that I need to re-evaluate my Sabbath activities. I appreciate what
Pastor Pete said about it being a 24-hour period of rest from our life routine.
After 09/11/2001, as a state law enforcement officer, I found myself performing
homeland security details at a number of locations. Most of the time it was in
addition to my normal work. I maintained this pace through 2010. Although I was
attending church, there was rarely a 24-hour period that I could say was a
Sabbath. To see pictures of me in 2001, and then compare it to pictures in 2010
show a physically changed man, not for the positive. I did have some control of
my scheduling, so the fault is mine. No Sabbath.
Gen. 1:27 (The Message)
“God created human beings; he created them godlike, reflecting God’s nature.
He created them male and female.”
I chose this verse for the words that follow the word ‘godlike’. God created us
reflecting His nature. If we are to reflect the nature of God, let us look again at
the opening verses. It states that the creator of all things took a day of rest. A day
to be pleased with his work, and then to bless that seventh day. His Sabbath.
Pastor Pete stated that the Sabbath is not a got to do, but is a get to do. So maybe
it is time to see what the Sabbath day rest means in your life. God wants the best
for you. Trust Him and listen.
Psalm 86:11
“Teach me your ways oh Lord, that I may walk in your truth. Grant me a pure
heart so that I may honor you.”
Steve Grigg
VERSE: Genesis 2:1-3 (The Message)
“Heaven and Earth were finished, down to the last detail. By the seventh day
God had finished his work. On the seventh day he rested from all his work.
God blessed the seventh day.”
Pastor Pete used the above verses in his message on 07/07. Even as I write this, I
am pondering what it means to take a Sabbath day and its importance. I do
recognize that I need to re-evaluate my Sabbath activities. I appreciate what
Pastor Pete said about it being a 24-hour period of rest from our life routine.
After 09/11/2001, as a state law enforcement officer, I found myself performing
homeland security details at a number of locations. Most of the time it was in
addition to my normal work. I maintained this pace through 2010. Although I was
attending church, there was rarely a 24-hour period that I could say was a
Sabbath. To see pictures of me in 2001, and then compare it to pictures in 2010
show a physically changed man, not for the positive. I did have some control of
my scheduling, so the fault is mine. No Sabbath.
Gen. 1:27 (The Message)
“God created human beings; he created them godlike, reflecting God’s nature.
He created them male and female.”
I chose this verse for the words that follow the word ‘godlike’. God created us
reflecting His nature. If we are to reflect the nature of God, let us look again at
the opening verses. It states that the creator of all things took a day of rest. A day
to be pleased with his work, and then to bless that seventh day. His Sabbath.
Pastor Pete stated that the Sabbath is not a got to do, but is a get to do. So maybe
it is time to see what the Sabbath day rest means in your life. God wants the best
for you. Trust Him and listen.
Psalm 86:11
“Teach me your ways oh Lord, that I may walk in your truth. Grant me a pure
heart so that I may honor you.”
Steve Grigg
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