Weekday Devotionals - Aaron

"Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” -John 4:13-14

Everyone, at some point, must answer the question, 'Who do you say I Am?' as asked by Jesus. Everyone. There are two answers that I believe everyone will eventually acknowledge, and that is that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.

Everyone has an opinion about Jesus. Maybe we are fine with thinking Jesus is the 'Son of man' in other words, a really great human being who was showing humanity the best way to live. That's true, but it's incomplete. Perhaps we are most comfortable with Jesus being the Son of God; God incarnate, the second person of the Trinity in which all things were created through Him and by Him; King of Kings, Lord of Lords type.

That's also true, but incomplete.
Jesus really is both. Jesus is Son of God AND Son of Man, BUT... that's still incomplete.

Why? Because we're still missing so much of who Jesus is. When life gets crazy, and chaos ensues, we need Jesus to be our comforter, a source of refuge and strength. For me, Jesus is the giver of life. I have had few passions in life. I was a decent baseball player, but stopped playing in high school; lost interest. I got the lead role in a few plays, but that wasn't paying the bills so I had to focus on other things. I was a customer service supervisor at Publix and a barista at Starbucks for a while, but that's about it. It's my passion for the Bible, and my fascination with the God of the Bible that has taken me to dance with the Masai Tribe in the bush of Africa. It took me to a floating village of unreached people groups in Cambodia, an undercover mission in Thailand and the Maldives. It lead me to a rooftop in Israel, the projects of Harlem, and a wedding in Austria. It has allowed me to be the Associate pastor at an incredible church. This Jesus has given me a life lived to the full. This Jesus has given me life! I thirst for nothing else.

We must all understand that Jesus is the Messiah, yes! We must all understand that Jesus is the Son of the Living God, yes! But, we must also come to understand who Jesus is for us, personally. Do you know Him? Who do you say He is? Anything less than what was shared above will leave you thirsty for more.

- Aaron




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