Weekday Devotionals
Devotional by Ron Mosca
“All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching (personal study), and to fellowship, and sharing in meals and prayers (prayer and fasting). A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders (service). And all the believers came together in one place and shared everything they had. They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need (generosity). They worshiped together at the Temple each day, they met in homes for the Lord’s supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity, all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship (evangelism) those who were being saved” ACTS 2:42-47
What a great way to start the new year, 1-1-23 fell on a Sunday!! And this Sunday, Pastor Pete talked about our growth as individual Christians, as well as our Church Community. Pastor Pete touched on all the growth ingredients, and for true growth, practice in each is necessary. The goal is growth, and the actions must be intentional investments over time.
Thrive is a growing Church, developing mature disciples, serving its community for generations to come.
Mature disciples…huh. I’ve been going to Church, so I’m good…right?
Intentional investments over time…hhhmmmm. There’s a lot going on in that phrase.
Pastor Pete discussed a few stages; new believer (1 Peter 2:2) moving into a growing believer (2 Peter 1:5-8) growing into a Mature Disciple (Ephesians 4:13). We all start as new believers, but do we all grow?
Intentional Investments over Time.
How do I know if I’m growing or developing as a Christian?
Time for Pastor Pete’s Jelly Donut test! When you’re squeezed, what come out, or rather who? As you’re growing in your faith, are you becoming more Christ like? Do you have a peace beyond all understanding? Full of joy where external circumstances have little to no effect on your “mood”? When life happens; When family, work, money, traffic all let you down, what comes out of your donut? When squeezed, how do you respond? Is it an older, lesser version of you led by emotion that is on display, or is it Christ in you that rises to the occasion?
Personal Study, Fellowship, Prayer and Fasting, Service, Generosity, Worship, Evangelism. These are the ingredients we need to be cooking with in order to grow in our Christian Walk.
Guess what’s also starting at the beginning of the new year…opportunity for growth…The One Year Bible!! A great next step would be to join us reading and discussing the OYB. As Pastor Pete said, not only will we read our Bible, but through discussing it, we will gain a greater understanding.
There are also plenty of other small groups about to begin, look at the options here https://www.wearethrive.org/small-groups and Small Group Sunday will be January 22nd.
The men’s retreat is coming up and the IF conference for the ladies.
Make 2023 a year of Growth in your Christian Faith!
Luv Ya Thrive Fam!
Happy New Year,
“All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching (personal study), and to fellowship, and sharing in meals and prayers (prayer and fasting). A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders (service). And all the believers came together in one place and shared everything they had. They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need (generosity). They worshiped together at the Temple each day, they met in homes for the Lord’s supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity, all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship (evangelism) those who were being saved” ACTS 2:42-47
What a great way to start the new year, 1-1-23 fell on a Sunday!! And this Sunday, Pastor Pete talked about our growth as individual Christians, as well as our Church Community. Pastor Pete touched on all the growth ingredients, and for true growth, practice in each is necessary. The goal is growth, and the actions must be intentional investments over time.
Thrive is a growing Church, developing mature disciples, serving its community for generations to come.
Mature disciples…huh. I’ve been going to Church, so I’m good…right?
Intentional investments over time…hhhmmmm. There’s a lot going on in that phrase.
Pastor Pete discussed a few stages; new believer (1 Peter 2:2) moving into a growing believer (2 Peter 1:5-8) growing into a Mature Disciple (Ephesians 4:13). We all start as new believers, but do we all grow?
Intentional Investments over Time.
How do I know if I’m growing or developing as a Christian?
Time for Pastor Pete’s Jelly Donut test! When you’re squeezed, what come out, or rather who? As you’re growing in your faith, are you becoming more Christ like? Do you have a peace beyond all understanding? Full of joy where external circumstances have little to no effect on your “mood”? When life happens; When family, work, money, traffic all let you down, what comes out of your donut? When squeezed, how do you respond? Is it an older, lesser version of you led by emotion that is on display, or is it Christ in you that rises to the occasion?
Personal Study, Fellowship, Prayer and Fasting, Service, Generosity, Worship, Evangelism. These are the ingredients we need to be cooking with in order to grow in our Christian Walk.
Guess what’s also starting at the beginning of the new year…opportunity for growth…The One Year Bible!! A great next step would be to join us reading and discussing the OYB. As Pastor Pete said, not only will we read our Bible, but through discussing it, we will gain a greater understanding.
There are also plenty of other small groups about to begin, look at the options here https://www.wearethrive.org/small-groups and Small Group Sunday will be January 22nd.
The men’s retreat is coming up and the IF conference for the ladies.
Make 2023 a year of Growth in your Christian Faith!
Luv Ya Thrive Fam!
Happy New Year,
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