Weekday Devotionals - Susan

But who do YOU say that I am? (Matt 15:16).

From 9/22/24 Sunday’s sermon by Pastor Pete was thought provoking at the least. If someone asked you who Jesus was, what would your answer be? Would it be just one thing or a few? He is my Savior! Just that? And my Rock! Is that the only way we know Him? The thought was presented to us that The Bible wasn’t written to only provide answers but more so to present questions, to make us think and search out who God really is to us, for us and through us. And who we are to Him.

In Acts 19:15 an evil spirit called out to certain “disciples” as they were trying to heal a man and he said to them: “I know Jesus and I know Paul, but who are you?” We can’t just use His Name like we’re cool friends and expect Him to show up. We must be one with Him. We must know Him intimately, know His character and be imitators of Him.

It made me think about this book I have called, “To Know Him By Name” by Kay Arthur. Knowing God’s names and what they represent helps us to understand His power, His purpose and His incomparable love. Experiencing Him in those names and situations gives us a more complete understanding of who He is; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We need to discover answers through experiencing His names rather than by memorizing them. We can know someone’s name but not really know the person without experiencing some of life with them. It’s that way with God, too. Have you experienced the Names of God, at least a few of them? We can make it simple by saying “God is my everything!” But do we know what His everything is? Do we just ask questions of God or do we search His character, His will and the meaning of His names?

Elohim-the name for God as Creator. Creator of the universe; the heavens, the earth, the galaxies and stars, the seas and sky. The creator of you! Genesis 1:1

El Elyon - The Most High. He is God Most High! The sovereign ruler of all the universe. We first see this in Genesis 14:17-20

El Roi - The God who sees. Omnipresent, all seeing, never asleep or caught off guard. Hagar met The Lord when she ran away from Sarai at the well called Beer-labai-roi (the well of the living one who sees me). Do you wonder if God really sees you? He does. Genesis16:13-14

El Shaddai - God Almighty, which comes from The Breasted One or Pourer Forth. He has all mighty power, not of violence but of all-bountifulness. He loves to take care of us. Isaiah 49: 15-16. Have you experienced the bounty of the Lord?

Adonai - Lord. Master. Owner. He is our Lord and Master. We are His prized possessions. Do we humble ourselves and submit to His Lordship? We must. Luke 6:46. He is the One in charge!

Jehova - (or Yahweh). Totally self-existent, the most sacred name of all, I AM WHO I AM. Exodus 3:13-15 I am everything and anything you will ever need for today, tomorrow and forever.

Jehova Jireh - The Lord WILL provide. How many times has God provided just what we need at just the right time and often through a willing and humble vessel? Genesis 22:11-14. He is my provider who is totally self existent.

Jehova Rapha - The Lord Who Heals…..in so many ways. Our steadfast relationship with our Heavenly Father affords us the benefit of all His names. Exodus 16:22-26

Jehova Nissi - The Lord My Banner, our assurance of victory. Exo 17: 10-16 Our flesh is what we battle with the most and Jehova Nissi is the banner over us that sustains our victory. 2Cor 2:14. But apart from Him we can do nothing. John 15:5

Jehova-mekoddishkem - The Lord Who Sanctifies. He makes us clean, He sets us apart, He calls us His own. He saves us and He makes us a Holy Nation! We are special to Him and He expects us to honor that and obey His commands. Exodus 31:12-27

Jehova-shalom - The Lord is Peace. When fear and anxiety take hold, when circumstances overwhelm us, when loss becomes bigger that joy, He is our Peace. Have you walked in stressful circumstances before? Judges 6:12-14, 23-24 There is no Peace like the Peace of God. John 14:27; 16:33

Jehova-sabaoth - The Lord of Hosts. Sabaoth means a “mass”. A mass of Heavenly angels, an army of heavenly hosts. He rules over all the armies of heaven. He is Lord over all powers, principalities and rulers in high places. I Samuel 17:45-47. Psalm 46:2-3

Jehova-raah - The Lord My Shepherd is how God revealed Himself to David. We are like sheep and we need a loving, caring shepherd who will guide us through all of life’s challenges. Ezekiel 34: 11-12,15-16.

Jehova-tsidkenu - The Lord Our Righteousness. He sets the standard for righteousness and guides us through our shortcomings because He knows we need Him to do that for us. Because we are sinners! And no matter how hard we try we will fall short of the glory of God but He still sets the standard! He holds us accountable and makes us right with Him. Jeremiah 23:5-6

Jehova-shammah - The Lord is There! Ezekiel 48:35 Wherever you are, The Lord is there. Wherever you go, The Lord is there. Wherever you were, what you experienced, what you celebrated, The Lord is there! Wherever you will be, The Lord is there! John 14:2-3

When we know God more specifically we are able to understand His fullness and the richness of His love. All of our needs are met in Him very specifically. One name builds upon the other and we just get richer and richer in our knowledge of Who God is; to us, for us and with us. Let’s pursue Him daily and know Him by Name.

Susan G




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