points of passion

Thrive Community Church's annual Outreach initiatives

"For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’ [...] 'I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’”
Matthew 25:35-40


In just the past 12 months*, your generosity has had the following impact:
  • Total Outreach Contributions: $90,255.82
  • Salvation Decisions at Thrive: 92 individuals
  • Baptisms: 74 at Thrive; Partnered with Luke World Missions for 4,885 baptisms in Thailand in May and September

Total local support of $81,024.85 to the following causes and ministries:
  • Sponsorship of Spruce Creek High School (excluding rent)
  • Sponsorship of No Longer Fatherless
  • Sponsorship of Fellowship of Christian Athletes
  • Sponsorship of Shop with a Cop (Back to School program)
  • Sponsorship of 10 additional public schools
  • Congregational and Community Benevolence; Thrive is committed to serving the most needy within our congregation and community. All funds are distributed with the guidance of Church Elders and scriptural principles.
  • Online Evangelism; expanding our digital reach
  • Support for Local Teachers; providing essential classroom supplies
  • Serve Day; annually uniting our church to serve the community
  • Local Evangelism Initiatives; includes distribution of  Bibles for Thrive Kids, Students, New Believers, support for other local churches, and outreach during key times like Christmas and Easter

Total international support of $9230.97 to the following causes and ministries:
  • Business Beyond Borders (Led by Thrive's Jacken Holland) 
  • Luke World Mission (Thailand) 
  • Turkey Earthquake Relief 

We are humbled by the generosity of our congregation and the impact we've been able to make together. Your continued support helps us to further our mission and touch more lives.

*Data  gathered from 10/31/22 - 10/31/23, and it is updated annually

2023 Points of Passion sermon

Pastor Pete's annual message that updates the congregation on the generosity initiatives of the church over the previous year