Weekday Devotionals
The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. -Matthew 23:11-12
There were a few things that stuck out to me from Sunday on the growth ingredient of service. The idea of serving others has always been a central teaching in Christianity since Jesus first gave this teaching. Christians have been foundational is establishing hospitals, shelters, and community outreach programs. Every so often, churches will even host a literal foot washing service exemplifying the literal action Jesus performed on His disciples to talk about serving others. These outreaches tell the world that we care about people, and I believe they bring a smile to God's face, BUT... you knew it was coming at some point, something Pastor Pete pointed out was that the Biblical concept of service should primarily start within the family of God, hm, interesting... I feel that is a detail often overlooked. Don't misunderstand me here, I believe the Bible does teach a strong outward focus to all people; everywhere, but the Bible also has a strong emphasis on serving those who a part of our new family of God, the Church.
It's our love and service for ONE ANOTHER that seems to grab the attention of the World. When outsiders open the door to the church do they see us serving one another as we would serve soup at a homeless kitchen, or do they see pride, arrogance, and selfishness? An official for the Roman Empire once commented that the Christian community arising in Rome was taking better care of their citizens than they were. He noticed how they cared for the orphans and widows within their congregation, how they provided for those in need, and served one another. Could it be that the growth ingredient of service is actually our most effective evangelism strategy?
Aaron L. Green
Associate Pastor
There were a few things that stuck out to me from Sunday on the growth ingredient of service. The idea of serving others has always been a central teaching in Christianity since Jesus first gave this teaching. Christians have been foundational is establishing hospitals, shelters, and community outreach programs. Every so often, churches will even host a literal foot washing service exemplifying the literal action Jesus performed on His disciples to talk about serving others. These outreaches tell the world that we care about people, and I believe they bring a smile to God's face, BUT... you knew it was coming at some point, something Pastor Pete pointed out was that the Biblical concept of service should primarily start within the family of God, hm, interesting... I feel that is a detail often overlooked. Don't misunderstand me here, I believe the Bible does teach a strong outward focus to all people; everywhere, but the Bible also has a strong emphasis on serving those who a part of our new family of God, the Church.
It's our love and service for ONE ANOTHER that seems to grab the attention of the World. When outsiders open the door to the church do they see us serving one another as we would serve soup at a homeless kitchen, or do they see pride, arrogance, and selfishness? An official for the Roman Empire once commented that the Christian community arising in Rome was taking better care of their citizens than they were. He noticed how they cared for the orphans and widows within their congregation, how they provided for those in need, and served one another. Could it be that the growth ingredient of service is actually our most effective evangelism strategy?
Aaron L. Green
Associate Pastor
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