Weekday Devotionals
Devotional by Nakia Kuznof
When our children were much younger, we took a visit to SeaWorld. Our sons weren’t tall enough to go on the Atlantis water ride, so they stayed behind with me while my husband took our daughter. The boys and I were standing near the fence trying to watch for their boat to travel down the steep incline and splash into the water below. I told them both if they didn’t want to stay in the double stroller, they must stand right beside it. I turned my attention to our youngest son to help him with something. Our middle child must’ve wandered off to get a better look, because in a flash, when I turned around, he was gone!
There is no panic quite like losing your child in a bustling, crowded amusement park. Thankfully, my husband and daughter had just come off the ride, so we told our daughter to stay in that exact spot and watch her youngest brother while my husband and I split up to find our lost son.
We were calling his name, trying not to let the worry overtake us. I was praying the entire time, “Please, Jesus, let me find my baby!” Almost as if on cue, the crowds parted, and I saw my son with his back turned away from me, but he was frantically looking around. I yelled his name. He turned around quickly, with a terrified look on his face and we raced toward each other. He collapsed into my arms and began sobbing. I hugged him tightly, and he said with jagged breaths, ”Mommy, I couldn’t find you!” I said, “It’s okay; I found YOU!”
This Sunday’s sermon recalled the parable of another lost son. In Luke 15, we learned about the son who left his father’s home to live a life of his choosing. He “set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living.” (Luke 15:13 NIV) It had gotten so bad for the son; he considered devouring the pods that the pigs were eating! When he couldn’t take that way of life anymore, he decided to return home and beg his father for forgiveness.
“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.” (Luke 15:20 NIV) The father demanded that his son be given the best robe, a new ring, and new sandals. The father said, “For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found” (Luke 15:24 NIV)
This is how Jesus is with us. No matter what we’ve done, or how far we’ve strayed from the path He has for us, He is always there, calling our name; ready to welcome us home. The Bible compares living lost with death, sin, and shame, and being found with resurrection, forgiveness, and freedom. Romans 6:4(NIV) says, “We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.”
One of the last points in our Sermon Notes for this week asks, “Will you receive and believe in the worth, identity, and provision that your heavenly Father wants to give?” When we feel alone, or like we’ve done too much to be forgiven, God assures us in his Word that He will never leave us or ignore us (Deut. 31:6 NIV) Although Resurrection Sunday has passed, it is not too late to be found and to live a new life with Him! Return home, Lost Sons and Daughters. Our Father is calling you by name and is always ready to find you so that you will be lost no more!
When our children were much younger, we took a visit to SeaWorld. Our sons weren’t tall enough to go on the Atlantis water ride, so they stayed behind with me while my husband took our daughter. The boys and I were standing near the fence trying to watch for their boat to travel down the steep incline and splash into the water below. I told them both if they didn’t want to stay in the double stroller, they must stand right beside it. I turned my attention to our youngest son to help him with something. Our middle child must’ve wandered off to get a better look, because in a flash, when I turned around, he was gone!
There is no panic quite like losing your child in a bustling, crowded amusement park. Thankfully, my husband and daughter had just come off the ride, so we told our daughter to stay in that exact spot and watch her youngest brother while my husband and I split up to find our lost son.
We were calling his name, trying not to let the worry overtake us. I was praying the entire time, “Please, Jesus, let me find my baby!” Almost as if on cue, the crowds parted, and I saw my son with his back turned away from me, but he was frantically looking around. I yelled his name. He turned around quickly, with a terrified look on his face and we raced toward each other. He collapsed into my arms and began sobbing. I hugged him tightly, and he said with jagged breaths, ”Mommy, I couldn’t find you!” I said, “It’s okay; I found YOU!”
This Sunday’s sermon recalled the parable of another lost son. In Luke 15, we learned about the son who left his father’s home to live a life of his choosing. He “set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living.” (Luke 15:13 NIV) It had gotten so bad for the son; he considered devouring the pods that the pigs were eating! When he couldn’t take that way of life anymore, he decided to return home and beg his father for forgiveness.
“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.” (Luke 15:20 NIV) The father demanded that his son be given the best robe, a new ring, and new sandals. The father said, “For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found” (Luke 15:24 NIV)
This is how Jesus is with us. No matter what we’ve done, or how far we’ve strayed from the path He has for us, He is always there, calling our name; ready to welcome us home. The Bible compares living lost with death, sin, and shame, and being found with resurrection, forgiveness, and freedom. Romans 6:4(NIV) says, “We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.”
One of the last points in our Sermon Notes for this week asks, “Will you receive and believe in the worth, identity, and provision that your heavenly Father wants to give?” When we feel alone, or like we’ve done too much to be forgiven, God assures us in his Word that He will never leave us or ignore us (Deut. 31:6 NIV) Although Resurrection Sunday has passed, it is not too late to be found and to live a new life with Him! Return home, Lost Sons and Daughters. Our Father is calling you by name and is always ready to find you so that you will be lost no more!
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