Weekday Devotionals
Season of Overwhelm by Marissa Lee
How do we lean into grace when we are in a season of overwhelm?
I know my days are moving fast forward as soon as my feet hit the floor in the morning. When my mind starts to wake up and the lingering sleep leaves my eyes, I can’t help but to immediately think of everything that needs to be done. Throughout the day the tasks just seem to pile on more and some days my hands feel so full that it’s hard to see an end to the chaos. Whether it’s finances, family, or commitments, I’m forced to plow through all the things and hope I’ve done well enough to keep my head above water.
I’ve discovered a way to lean into grace, in the midst of the overwhelm.
When I read Psalm 142, I feel like David is calling out to my soul. In this psalm, David was hiding in a cave from Saul and his army. He was overwhelmed, and he cried out to God: Lord, I’m tired! I’ve got to look out for traps because people are plotting against me, and no one has my back. I look to the right hoping to see a friendly face and hear a word of encouragement, but I am alone. There is no one to care for me. After feeling all this distress, David cries out to the Lord and finally proclaims Him his refuge and his portion.
In these seasons of being overwhelmed, it’s easy for my sinful nature to creep back in and show itself. Everything in my day feels a little murky. I start reverting back to being snippy and being impatient with family. I begin to look for an easy way out of my obligations and cut corners, then try to justify myself with excuses that, in my head, will make it all better. During these low times, I start to walk out of step with the Holy Spirit.
In times when I am broken down and tired like David, I need grace. I need to feel God’s grace, to be empowered by God’s grace, and to be motivated by God’s grace. But I have to lay down at the throne to get that grace!
“So then, since we have a great High Priest who has entered heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to what we believe. This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet He did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.” Hebrews 4:15
It’s so encouraging to read that Jesus has been where I have been, broken down and tired. Feeling at his lowest, tempted to sin, He still choose not to.
I have a gracious Father who beckons me back into his arms with all the forgiveness and grace despite the foolishness in my life. There is grace upon grace waiting for me to receive and it’s there for you too!
When you are living in a season of overwhelm, remember there is a faithful and loving God waiting for you to rest in his arms.
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