Weekday Devotionals

Devotional by Samantha Mosca

Verse: Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name. 16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. -Hebrews 13:15-16

Thoughts: About 5 years ago my family walked through Thrive's doors for the very first time. It was the praise and worship that first hooked me, there was just something in the words that sank into my soul and left an ever-lasting impression, and yet, at that time, I had no idea what praise really meant, or the many forms it came in.

Through the years since I’ve learned that praise is found in song, dance, writing, praying, serving, laughing, in our stillness, in serving others and really in any moment that brings a smile to my face and the face of others, all the glory goes to Him- In Praise. All those moments are easy, praise is given freely, but what about that word sacrifice that was added on in the verse above? In the moments of chaos, through the tears, through the trials and personal sacrifices, ones we did not ask for and most definitely did not want. Praise is found in all the ways we acknowledge God's mighty goodness. The good and the bad.

The Rooted series was first introduced early in the year, February I believe, and that first Sunday Pastor Pete said something that I have carried with me everyday since.

We are building a church for generations. I can almost see all the futures colliding into one. All for Him.
A building to bring all the generations together.  A place to praise Him. A place to serve Him. A place for those who are lost to go and grow. A place for kids to go and be kids. A place we can all call home.

A past me would look at the tithe bucket passing by and reluctantly toss in a few dollars. Dare I say there were times I'd scrounge the change at the bottom of my purse to give my son to toss in, so he could also “give”.  What was I teaching him? Not too much about sacrifice that’s for sure.  Those dollars and that change, cost me nothing. But now, when the Rooted initiative came around, Pastor's words sailed through the air straight for me (I’m sure you can all relate with that thought, “this sermon was written just for me” or “Pastor is talking to me”) and every fiber, every atom, this body is made up of wanted to sacrifice for the future generations.  
Some weeks my husband and I have conversations about how we will keep giving at the level we are giving, sometimes the conversations are a bit strained, but in the end, we remind each other where we were before we walked through the front doors on that first day. And we both agree, the sacrifice is worth it.  I’ll leave you with this thought. I was driving to work last week and was listening to a sermon from another church and the Pastor said, “I’m not going to Thrive church, I am Thrive church.”  Wow! So simple, So true.  The church is not simply a building. Church is people. And people, that is what it is all about.
What sacrifice of praise do you need to make?

- Samantha





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