Weekday Devotionals
A Miracle Story by Rick McCotter
The final message in our series “What To Expect When Expecting A Miracle” highlights these 3 points:
- Miracles are found in Imperfect situations
- God is at work through all things
- God is at work in me
Here is the story of the Miracle I received in April 2021.
In January of 2021 I had my checkup with Urologist and a PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) blood test was ordered. PSA level in blood is an indicator for possible prostate cancer. Normal range is between .01 – 4.0. My last PSA level was August 2020 and it was a 2.38.
Got results back from test and I was at 14.1; Dr. thought it was a false reading so I did another test one week later and I was 13.8. This was not a good number and indicates possible stage 3-4 prostate cancer. The Dr. and I were very surprised the number was so high and we both were concerned. Next step, wait two weeks and repeat the PSA test. Result was 8.7. Still not a good number but it was going down. This was certainly an IMPERFECT SITUATION.
During all this I knew God was at work in this situation and in me. Romans 8:28 tells us that “God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Elise (my wife) and I continued daily to pray and believe God for a miracle with respect to this situation. I didn’t know if I had cancer or not and I didn’t know what the miracle would look like…we just knew that God was in control and he wanted us to have peace, trust him and not be worried.
A biopsy was scheduled for April 8, 2021. During the 4 week wait for the biopsy, I had the most incredible peace over this whole situation that I have never experienced. I wasn’t worried about the results or fearful at all. I surrendered it to the Lord and my prayer was simply this “Lord I love you and I trust you; I don’t want it to be cancer, but I am willing to accept whatever the outcome is because you know what is best for me.”
The biopsy results were: NO CANCER! Whether I had cancer or not wasn’t the miracle for us, the big win for Elise and I was what God was working in us, building our FAITH and TRUST in him, regardless of the circumstances that press in on us.
When your time comes for a miracle, apply what we’ve learned. Trust in God, He is in control, ask for your miracle, believe and have faith that God will deliver what you need and most important Surrender your will and desires to him and know that whatever the outcome is you and God can face it together. You are more than a Conqueror in Christ Jesus your Lord and Savior!
- Rick
The final message in our series “What To Expect When Expecting A Miracle” highlights these 3 points:
- Miracles are found in Imperfect situations
- God is at work through all things
- God is at work in me
Here is the story of the Miracle I received in April 2021.
In January of 2021 I had my checkup with Urologist and a PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) blood test was ordered. PSA level in blood is an indicator for possible prostate cancer. Normal range is between .01 – 4.0. My last PSA level was August 2020 and it was a 2.38.
Got results back from test and I was at 14.1; Dr. thought it was a false reading so I did another test one week later and I was 13.8. This was not a good number and indicates possible stage 3-4 prostate cancer. The Dr. and I were very surprised the number was so high and we both were concerned. Next step, wait two weeks and repeat the PSA test. Result was 8.7. Still not a good number but it was going down. This was certainly an IMPERFECT SITUATION.
During all this I knew God was at work in this situation and in me. Romans 8:28 tells us that “God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Elise (my wife) and I continued daily to pray and believe God for a miracle with respect to this situation. I didn’t know if I had cancer or not and I didn’t know what the miracle would look like…we just knew that God was in control and he wanted us to have peace, trust him and not be worried.
A biopsy was scheduled for April 8, 2021. During the 4 week wait for the biopsy, I had the most incredible peace over this whole situation that I have never experienced. I wasn’t worried about the results or fearful at all. I surrendered it to the Lord and my prayer was simply this “Lord I love you and I trust you; I don’t want it to be cancer, but I am willing to accept whatever the outcome is because you know what is best for me.”
The biopsy results were: NO CANCER! Whether I had cancer or not wasn’t the miracle for us, the big win for Elise and I was what God was working in us, building our FAITH and TRUST in him, regardless of the circumstances that press in on us.
When your time comes for a miracle, apply what we’ve learned. Trust in God, He is in control, ask for your miracle, believe and have faith that God will deliver what you need and most important Surrender your will and desires to him and know that whatever the outcome is you and God can face it together. You are more than a Conqueror in Christ Jesus your Lord and Savior!
- Rick
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