Weekday Devotionals
Idols of the Age, week 3 - devotional written by Ron Mosca
“You shall not follow the statutes (laws, practices, customs) of the nation which I am driving out before you; for they did all these things, and therefore I have loathed them.” Leviticus 20:23 AMP
Thought: Idols, Addicted to Control, Do you like me?
This past Sunday Pastor Pete continued to speak to us about the idols we have in our lives that continue to steal our time and attention. For some of us the idols are large and for others they are small, but they all have the same result. The time we spend chasing whatever idol it may be keeps us from chasing what we need to be chasing after, Jesus.
This “lust for acceptance” will infiltrate every aspect of our lives and we will not even realize it. It is so easy to get lost in trying to please the boss, family, friends that we can lose the ability to be genuine.
Jesus said to his disciples,” Stumbling blocks (temptations and traps set to lure one to sin) are sure to come… Luke 17:1 AMP
We know the stumbling blocks are coming, yet we still fall prey. It is so easy to get caught up in the goings on around us in our busy lives, that we do not make a purposeful and conscious effort to spend time with our Lord and Savior.
Be different than the crowd! Are we following the customs and practices of those we claim to be different than? Are you chasing the approval of man or your Heavenly Father? Gaining the approval of peers as well as their respect is not bad. But do they respect your worldly toys and gadgets or your Godly actions? Are you helping and serving others out of a genuine desire to be more like Jesus or to gain the attention and admiration of those who see these actions? It is so easy to blur these lines and totally loose focus. We want to control every aspect of our lives; the worry and anxiety can become overwhelming.
Time to do some internal house cleaning. Self-reflecting and meditation! Who do you genuinely want to be and what are you willing to do, or give up, to attain it? Time to be deliberate in decision and action! Spend more time with Him in His word and let Him speak to you.
As I have reflected on these teachings, it has become clear to me that there are aspects of my life that need to be addressed. There are things I worry about but truly have no control over. There are things I want to control but need to Surrender. There are times I need to ask for help, but my pride gets in the way…
I am so Thankful for our Thrive Family!!
“For I know the plans and thoughts I have for you” says The Lord “plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope” Jeremiah 29:11 AMP
---Ron Mosca
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