Weekday Devotionals - Aaron
"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly[a] with your God." -Micah 6:8
When we think about doing great things for God we tend to think really big. Like Texas big. We often compare ourselves to others who have 'appeared' to be more 'successful' at serving God than wee little us. All the while, throughout the Scriptures, God says things like the verse above in Micah. God nowhere says that what He wants is packed out stadiums, His poster everywere, or the most hits on Instagram. We want to make Jesus famous!! And Jesus says, I'm already famous. I desire to be known. I desire to be known by you. Do popular or famous Christians understand the love, mercy, and humility God is after more than a single mother just trying to make ends meet? We would have to answer obviously no. Both the well-known and the unheard of can know God, and live the full life He intends for each of His kids.
Lately, I have been intrigued by the term 'faithfulness'. It's a Fruit of the Spirit, and scholars have been having some discussions about the significance of this term lately. For quite a while, the empahsis of the Scriptures was thought to be on having faith IN Christ. That concept is certainly present in the Scriptures and should be an emphasis. However, the debate lies in the word 'in'. Scholars are starting to think that perhaps an emphasis we have overlooked is the faith OF Christ. In other words, is what Jesus is after more about staying faithful than simply confessing faith? Again, expressing faith IN Christ is essential, but is there not an equal emphasis on remaining faithful? It seems there is.
So, does God want you to make a confession of faith and go change the world? Yes, but more importantly, God wants you to make a confession of faith, and remain faithful. Staying faithful is a process, and our Rabbi Jesus would love to teach us it, but it takes time, and we may not get the opportunity to start a mega-church, lead a revival, or travel to some distant land.
Jesus says, "That's okay, I really just want to be together."
How great is that?!?
- Aaron
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly[a] with your God." -Micah 6:8
When we think about doing great things for God we tend to think really big. Like Texas big. We often compare ourselves to others who have 'appeared' to be more 'successful' at serving God than wee little us. All the while, throughout the Scriptures, God says things like the verse above in Micah. God nowhere says that what He wants is packed out stadiums, His poster everywere, or the most hits on Instagram. We want to make Jesus famous!! And Jesus says, I'm already famous. I desire to be known. I desire to be known by you. Do popular or famous Christians understand the love, mercy, and humility God is after more than a single mother just trying to make ends meet? We would have to answer obviously no. Both the well-known and the unheard of can know God, and live the full life He intends for each of His kids.
Lately, I have been intrigued by the term 'faithfulness'. It's a Fruit of the Spirit, and scholars have been having some discussions about the significance of this term lately. For quite a while, the empahsis of the Scriptures was thought to be on having faith IN Christ. That concept is certainly present in the Scriptures and should be an emphasis. However, the debate lies in the word 'in'. Scholars are starting to think that perhaps an emphasis we have overlooked is the faith OF Christ. In other words, is what Jesus is after more about staying faithful than simply confessing faith? Again, expressing faith IN Christ is essential, but is there not an equal emphasis on remaining faithful? It seems there is.
So, does God want you to make a confession of faith and go change the world? Yes, but more importantly, God wants you to make a confession of faith, and remain faithful. Staying faithful is a process, and our Rabbi Jesus would love to teach us it, but it takes time, and we may not get the opportunity to start a mega-church, lead a revival, or travel to some distant land.
Jesus says, "That's okay, I really just want to be together."
How great is that?!?
- Aaron
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