Advent Day 19
Author Morgan Moore.
Sometimes life feels overwhelming and chaotic. Sometimes we veer off course, neglecting our most important relationship with Jesus. We may feel out of control, wondering how to get back on track, how to draw closer to our Creator and Savior.
The liturgical calendar provides a way to get back on track, a way to reorder our habits. It does not matter your denomination; the liturgical calendar offers all of us this opportunity to reorder our lives around Jesus. Will you join me on a spiritual Christmas journey, a journey of recentering our hearts and minds on Jesus, a journey starting in Advent and ending on Epiphany?
The Book of Colossians provides a unique lens for this wonderful time of year. Paul grounds his letter in the sovereign and glorious nature of Jesus. And, as we reflect on the Book of Colossians during Christmas, we are invited to slowly ponder the incarnation, our glorious God who shed the heavens and for a stable, the Word who became Flesh and dwelt among us. Will you join me on this Christmas journey?